I have decided to start a blog. I know, I know. Everybody take a moment to welcome me to the year 2003. I’m a little behind on this blog trend but I figure its better late than never, right? I want to use this first post to set the foundation for this little piece of cyberspace that I’ve decided to build.
Who I am…
I am a lot of things. You can label me a lot of different ways. I am a woman. I’m a daughter, a sister and an Aunt. I’m a Midwesterner, a suburbanite, and an Iowan. I work in the grocery business. I am an employee. I am a boss. I’m 26. I’m a runner, a snowboarder, and an adventure seeker. I’m pet owner, a car owner, and a Blackberry addict. I am a socially liberal, fiscally conservative, twice a year Catholic. I’m a former fat kid. All labels I wear proudly because each has shaped my world perspective in its own way. When it comes to food there is a whole set of labels that will have some influence on how and why I write each post. So here are some things you should know about me in order to understand the posts that are to follow.
-I am no expert.
I have never been to culinary school or taken a cooking class beyond Home Economics in middle school. The food knowledge that I have accumulated is a result of my own curiosity. Growing up, I helped my parents in the kitchen as much as they would let me. I bombarded my poor parents with a million questions. Thankfully, I have very patient parents and they answered as many questions as they could, encouraging me to do, learn and try more. I definitely caught the cooking bug young. The first dish I ever made all by myself was scrambled eggs I cooked for my parents from a recipe in the Boxcar Children’s Cookbook. I was way proud to see something I made enjoyed by other people. I was hooked. I continued to cook, to learn, to improve. There were some hits, some misses, and some dishes I have banned from being mentioned.
-I cook a lot.
And I do okay in the kitchen. At least that’s what my mom says. I can follow a recipe. I can even tweak recipes to make them a little better. I keep learning and I love introducing new flavors, new ingredients, and new techniques to my repertoire. However, my skills are limited. I can’t make a pie crust that doesn’t come from a box. I can’t even come close to a perfect brunoise. I know because I’ve tried and failed at both. Miserably. All the failures and all the successes I’ve had in the kitchen keeps me moving forward and striving to learn more. A lot of what you will read on here is me tying to conquer something new.
-I watch a lot of Food Network and Top Chef.
I am very grateful of food television. Just like MTV brought Run DMC into the living rooms of surly teenagers in the Midwest who would never had access otherwise, The Food Network and Top Chef gave me access to concepts, chefs, and restaurants that I would never heard of had I not tuned in. Before Top Chef and Food Network, I thought a nice restaurant was Applebee’s, I had never heard of Foie Gras, and Thomas Keller was just another name. But I watched, and I watched religiously. I took notes. If I saw an unfamiliar ingredient, or a chef I didn’t recognize, I researched it and by researched, I mean I turned to my ol’ buddy Wikipedia. Now, I have a greater appreciation for the finer things in the world of food.
-I eat a lot.
My favorite thing about food? Eating it. I love food like a fat kid loves cake. I am the opposite of a picky eater. There is no food that I will not try at least once. Sure, I have a list of favorite foods just like everyone else, but there are no foods that I refuse to eat. I appreciate quality food like “top shelf“ olive oils, fresh, organic, in-season produce and artesian meats from small farms. I love cheap food like breakfasts at greasy spoon diners, gas station hot dogs and food on a stick from the fair. I love trying new, modern restaurants with chefs that are reshaping the food landscape across the country. I love eating a established family restaurants that haven’t changed the menu in 50 years with chefs that are using recipes handed down from generations before them. I love food. All types, in all venues, cooked by all sorts of people, in all sorts of ways.
What I want this blog to be:
I came up with this idea mostly out of frustration. I read a lot of blogs but none talk about food the way that I wanted them too. I love to cook, but I’m not feeding a family on a budget or having a dinner party. I love reading restaurant reviews, cooking tips, recipes, and trends in the food world, but I hate going to 17 different blogs to get the variety that I am seeking. So my goals for this blog are to incorporate all the things I love about food into one site. This blog will include everything: some how-to’s, tips, recipes, menus, trends, restaurant reviews, and even some food centric posts about politics. I’m going to let some of my friends play along, so you can expect some posts from them too. I am no journalist, so expect some grammatical errors and some spelling mistakes. I hope everyone enjoys what I have to say, and if you don’t just be respectful.
I hope you have an understanding about who I am, where my love for food comes from and what I hope to share with all of you. Hopefully, you’ll be back to check out what I have to say!